How we speak to ourselves matters. I believe our thoughts affect our energy and how we feel, and our energy impacts our experiences in life. In perspective lies power.
A great way to re-center yourself, and remind your busy mind what you believe and want to align with, is to hold a few reaffirming mantras close.
Here are 21 that you can revisit whenever you need a reminder.
- I create my own happiness.
- I have all that I need.
- Today I choose calm. Today I choose peace.
- Nothing that is truly meant for me will ever miss me.
- Every day things are getting better. I am moving forward.
Faith & Trust
- Everything is happening for me, not to me.
- The Universe has my back [thanks Gabby Bernstein]
- “I am exactly where I am supposed to be.” – Shannon Kaiser
- I choose faith over fear.
- I trust myself. I am making choices that are taking me in the right direction.
- I am grateful for this body that carries me through life.
- I honor and respect myself.
- I am a beautiful person.
- I am worthy of love and affection, and I show it to myself first.
- I accept myself just as I am.
- I radiate light from within.
Courage & Motivation
- I am capable of anything I put my mind to.
- Confidence comes from action.
- I can overcome any challenges that come my way. I am resourceful. I am powerful.
- “You are never given a dream, without also being given the power to make it come true.” – Richard Bach
- Good things come from change. I embrace the unknown.