The Backstory

The Journey of Here to Thrive

Here to Thrive – the podcast – went live in July 2016. That means it is out of toddlerdom at this point! With over 1,000,000 downloads to date, bringing the podcast to you is one of my absolute joys. 

In truth, it almost didn’t happen. I’m a naturally private person who doesn’t particularly like to draw attention to myself. I’m one of those people who would rather slink into the background in a big crowd, stand on the edges, and make quiet small talk with one person as opposed to putting myself out there. That coupled with having a strong Kiwi accent but living in the USA made me think podcasting would be a bad idea . . . I mean, at that point I struggled to get anyone to understand me on any phone call I made, or whenever I tried to order at a drive-thru (no I wanted a Chicken Wrap, not a Big Mac!), so I reasoned no-one would possibly understand my accent in the USA via podcast.

That was until I went to a Writer’s Conference. There were probably 1,000 people in that Chicago Hotel Ballroom, and I decided I was going to put on my big girl panties and ask a question – in front of them all. Holy crap, I feel sick now just thinking about how nervous I was. I got up, stood in front of the microphone and asked my question. Heart pounding, feeling like my voice was quivering, full body sweats…you might know what I’m talking about.

It was the most mundane of questions. Something about the international rights to books and how they were sold. But what happened after that changed the course of my life in all truth. I thought I was there to learn about writing books…but I was clearly there for more. I walked out during the break, and a woman went out of her way to come up to me and say, “Excuse me, I just had to stop you to tell you I love your accent.”

Say what?!!

She was my Angel that day. This seemingly small and inconsequential moment had big consequences in that it changed my trajectory. Her little comment was most definitely a soul-wink and the perfect nudge I needed to get off my ass and launch the Here to Thrive podcast. A podcast was maybe the tiniest little inkling of a thought in the back of my head at that point, but her simple compliment was the spark I needed to ignite action. She told me that people might actually like listening to my strange accent in this foreign land as I rattle on about psychology and spirituality and how to live a good life. 

I knew in my heart I wanted to have a positive impact on the lives of people. I knew that I had a boatload of knowledge and an honest desire to somehow make a difference in this world. Naturally drawn to writing (hence the Writers Conference) I thought hey, adding a podcast as another way to connect with people can’t hurt. I never expected it to be such an amazingly powerful project.

Basically, I’ve bumbled my way through the whole thing, never really knowing what I was doing, but moving all the same. I recognize now, that this is the bit that matters. Simply showing up and doing something!

And so, all these years later we have Here to Thrive which has blossomed into a community. 

The conversations I have on Here to Thrive, and the topics I dive into inspire me as much as they do anyone else. It is a labor of love, my gift to the world, and I consider it an absolute honor that I get to share it with all of you. 

And you might just be able to find a few of your fellow life-journeyers using #heretothrive on Instagram.

Or if you want to stay in the loop and receive additional inspiration from me from time to time pop your email down below and I’ll be in touch.

And I hope this is a little reminder that sometimes it is the little inconsequential moments of our lives that really are the big moments. Sometimes we just don’t know it at the time ;). 

Kate x