
Articles, Blogs & Notes to Inspire You

Kate’s Amazon Bookshelf

Click below to head over to Kate's Amazon Storefront to look at her reading lists. Over there you will find books organized by: What Kate is reading in 2021 Books Kate read in 2020 Here…

5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Mood

Often our emotions can feel all encompassing, and can sneakily convince us that they are running the show. When we bring a level of awareness to our moods, we do in fact have the ability to help shake things and take actions that will stop us from spiraling even further into a funk.

4 Questions to Identify What Brings You Joy

Self-care is an essential precursor to well-being. Yet in order to practice self-care that truly fills up your well-being bucket, you first need to know what it is that has the ability to bring you real joy. This post will help you answer the question: “So what is it you like to do for fun?”

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